How it started

My Grandfather, Harold  Archer Sr, of Port Bolster, Ontario, began in the antique business in 1959 and I have continued on the tradition to this day restoring early North American furnishings and artifacts.

We are located in a 1912 Arts & Craft home in Bragg Creek, Alberta and offer quality restored antiques from across North America.

The Dry Mountain Air

Alberta is a dry climate, especially from November through March and furniture will shrink, snap the old glue or split the wood. Most dealers and auction houses will say “The original condition is worth more” only because they don’t know how or find it too expensive to have it properly restored. The saying is for the pre-industrial era (1860s) where the piece was designed, built and finished by one craftsman who left their mark of quality. Mass-produced furniture was in full swing by the 1880s and most individuals were being swallowed up by large furniture companies. A mass-produced piece is not unique and is usually not built with longevity in mind.

How old must a piece be for it to be considered an Antique?

According to Canadian and U.S. customs and Antique Associations an Antique must be over a hundred years old. However, many Europeans and purists believe that an antique should be pre-industrial (1860s)  or otherwise handmade. Buying Antiques is a great way to support the environment as they are made to last. Some of the oldest antiques in the shop include this candle stick holder and stand

At Archer’s Antiques, we specialize in pre-industrial to the Nouveau, Arts and Crafts, Art Deco of the 1930s and everything in between.  Many of the pieces in the store are restored to their former glory so you can be sure to enjoy your antique for many years to come.

If you love antiques, check out the Craftsman House on Airbnb

Note about suspicious employment opportunities: Someone is using our business name and other small businesses to scam people by offering them jobs and taking their personal details. We are not hiring at this time, please report them to facebook if you come across it.